Discover the extraordinary in the simplest moments. Reach out to me to discuss your photography needs.

Sarah Todd Photography

lifestyle photographer

Hi, I'm Sarah! I've been passionate about photography for as long as I can remember. Whether it's personal (family, weddings, headshots, etc) or corporate work, photography is something I consider art, and a camera is something I could never live without. I’ll take photos for the rest of my life, doing what I can to capture moments that should always be remembered and cherished.

fun fact #1

I'm originally from New Jersey, but spent 11 years in Austin, TX before just recently moving to North Carolina with my family. Texas was fun, but I definitely missed east coast weather!

fun fact #2

I've been in love with photography, music, and film for as long as I can remember. I studied both music business and filmmaking in college and wanted to be a concert/tour photographer when I was younger. (That idea seems rather exhausting to me now!)

fun fact #3

I'm a big nerd for '80s horror movies! Some of my favorites are Nightmare on Elm Street, Fright Night, and The Lost Boys (just to name a few).

fun fact #4

I've learned that asking kids to say "poop!" for photos is a sure-fire way to get them to naturally smile! Try it next time you're posing them for a shot.


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